What It Means for Illinois to Reopen into Stage Three

Face mask and thermometer on a table - Cawley Commercial Real Estate

On May 29, 2020, all regions of Illinois – except the city of Chicago – plan to move into Phase Three of Governor Pritzker’s “Restore Illinois” reopening plan.

What does this mean?

First and foremost, it means to hold on to those masks because they will continue to be required in public. However, it also means everyone will have the opportunity to wear their masks to newly-opened nonessential businesses – with added restrictions, of course.

  1. Restaurants and bars can open for outdoor dining.
    BUT…they can only accept parties of six or fewer and seat them at tables spaces six feet apart.
  2. Nonessential retailers and malls can open.
    BUT…they have to limit the capacity of their stores and either disinfect fitting rooms after each use or keep them closed altogether.
  3. Personal care services (hair salons, spas, tattoo parlors, etc.) can open.
    BUT…they must limit certain services and only accept reservations, no walk-ins.
  4. Health clubs and gyms can open.
    BUT…they can only allow 10 or fewer participants with workout equipment spaces 10 feet apart.
  5. Outdoor recreation spaces can open.
    BUT…social distancing restrictions remain in place, and limited groups are allowed in the same vehicle/area at once.
  6. Offices can reopen at 50%  capacity.
    BUT…all employees who can continue working from home should be allowed to do so. Workstations must also be six feet apart, and  shared surfaces must be sanitized after each use.

For more detailed information about Illinois reopening into Phase Three, look here.

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