What It Means For Illinois To Move Into Phase Four

Interior of an empty restaurant with set tables - Cawley Commercial Real Estate

All four regions of Illinois prepare to move into Phase Four of Governor Pritzker’s five phase reopening plan on Friday, June 26, 2020.

What does this mean?

The use of facemasks and social distancing remain in effect during this phase, but additional businesses are allowed to open and larger groups of people are allowed to attend gatherings. Many businesses will also move to a “reservation only” system. Here is a detailed list of the guidelines:

  1. Meeting spaces can resume with up to 50 people or 50% of overall room capacity (whichever is less.)
    Multiple groups are permitted as long as there is enough space to appropriately social distance.
  2. Indoor dining can reopen with groups of 10 or less.
    Tables need to be spaced six feet apart, and standing areas must remain at no more than 25% of capacity.
  3. Indoor recreation & attractions can reopen at limited occupancy depending on the business.
    This includes museums, bowling alleys, skating rinks, clubhouses and movie theaters.
  4. Health and fitness centers are allowed to reopen at 50% capacity.
    Fitness classes of up to 50 people are permitted along with new indoor safety guidelines.
  5. Zoos can reopen at no more than 25% capacity. 
    Interactive exhibits, indoor exhibits and rides remain closed.
  6. Outdoor spectator sports and events can resume with no more than 20% of seating capacity.
    Concessions are allowed with restrictions. Youth sports and recreation will also be permitted with similar limitations.

For more complete information about Illinois reopening into Phase Four, look here.

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