Daniel Cawley, SIOR


Best Lessons Learned:
1. Know Your Purpose (Why)
2. Focus on the Actions We Can Control
3. Establish a Clear Set of Non-Negotiable Values (What)
4. Seek to Understand the Context From Which Other’s Views Emanate (How)
5. Serve Everyone!

Why? Because the commercial real estate industry is subject to the unlimited outside, uncontrollable influences like; economics, markets, political fluctuations & the whims of personally motivated human decision-making processes.

Dan founded Cawley Commercial Real Estate Real Estate in 1998 to provide midmarket business and property owners a high personal touch transactional experience in the delivery of commercial real estate services. Today our group of highly accredited professionals (25% of brokers have attained the SIOR designation) remain committed to the highest level of service to create, maintain and monetize our clients value in their commercial real estate decision making.

Cawley earned the prestigious & ethics based Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) designation in 1994 as a result of over exceeding the required transaction volume of 7 years creditable experience in the highly specialized field of office and industrial real estate.

“For a boutique firm like ours I believed this designation would provide credible testimony to our capabilities to compete with the national real estate firms!”
Today 25% of our brokers have achieved this designation and the company now uses the Independent Brokers Group, a subset of the international platform, as our referral network. This allows us to select the best broker in any submarket in the world verses the restrictions of have the national referral networks.

Raised in his family’s real estate business beginning in 1977 Dan quickly learned the industry is subject to numerous outside, uncontrollable influences (economic, market, political fluctuations & the whims of personally motivated human decision making).

“My father’s best lessons were to always do what you say and commit to a methodology to ensure consistency in the delivery of services.”
Our company is built on both of those with 8 core competencies for all strategic planning.

Dan moved to the Chicago suburbs in 1985 where worked for 2 boutique commercial real estate firms before his closest client and mentor convinced him and funded the start of Cawley Commercial Real Estate Real Estate in 1998. “Significant people have stepped into my life at the exact right time for which I am most grateful!”

Mission Statement:
Make a difference personally & professionally by passionately creating integrity based fun & healthy relationships!

Education and Accreditation

    BS, Business Management, Quincy College

    Licensed Broker since June of 1977

    Commercial Real Estate Hall of Fame: Class of 2022


    (AIRE) Association of Industrial Real Estate 1998 - Present

    (NICAR) N. Illinois Commercial Association of Realtors President 2011-2012

    (NICAR) 2012 REALTOR of the Year

    (SIOR) Society of Office and Industrial Realtors 1996

Representative Expertise

    Tenant and Owner Representation

    Site selection

    Single Story Office

    Organizational Development

    Receiver Agent



Community Service Organizations

    President of the LaSalle Rotary Club in 1984